Tags : Heaven%27s

Hitchhiking Heaven's Highway

Hitchhiking Heaven's Highway

A Poem by Barefoot McCoy

Lyrics to Hitchhiking Heaven's Highway by Barefoot McCoy. www.barefootmccoy.com
Already Flown

Already Flown

A Poem by Barefoot McCoy

Already Flown written and performed by Barefoot McCoy ©2015. www.barefootmccoy.com
American Lady

American Lady

A Poem by Barefoot McCoy

American Lady written and performed by Barefoot McCoy ©2015. www.barefootmccoy.com
Hell's Open Arms Embrace Heaven's Harmony

Hell's Open Arms Embrace Heaven's Harmony

A Poem by R.J Calzonetti (SinisterP..

Just a poem on the slow decline of natural beauty and happiness. The loss of everything that made us human.