Tags : Giddy

Im Falling

Im Falling

A Poem by LetMeLoveYou

One of my old poems I felt like posting :P
Self Sabotage

Self Sabotage

A Poem by Lost in Wonderland

An angel on my rightA devil on my left Filling my heart Tearing my hope to shreds with lovely flutters Spinning sad deceits Assuring me of your lov..


A Poem by Ash Rx

Yup, that's what it's about
Sears, Save me

Sears, Save me

A Poem by Kami

Remembering when...the Sears catalogue was the most important book on the planet!


A Poem by Andrea Greene

The first poem I felt like writing in English! Not too bad!
Love And A Lot Of Things

Love And A Lot Of Things

A Poem by Andrea Greene

here we go a-rambling I just listened to 3 new musicals so ya boi's on an emotional rOLL LET'S GO
Find It In Your Heart

Find It In Your Heart

A Poem by Andrea Greene

Gotta love recycled poems from January that I just discovered on an ancient iPod notes app. But it still sort of resonates so I decided, after re-read..