Tags : Gadget

Opt for the Random Gadget Store now to get the most current news about new know-how and devices

Opt for the Random Gadget Store now to get the mos..

A Story by reamad

Similar elements of the certain gadget readily available now at unique places with completely different rates. On the other hand, everybody wants to o..


A Poem by Trixxxx

Here I stand,Waiting to be in your hand,Don’t let me touch the ground,You dont wanna hear crack as my sound,If you lose me, I will not be in you..
Perkembangan Kamera Ponsel dan Kegunaan Lainnya

Perkembangan Kamera Ponsel dan Kegunaan Lainnya

A Story by Rio Adiwijaya

Evolusi kamera yang berlangsung sampai saat ini melahirkan begitu banyak opsi hingga mengoptimalkan bahkan meng-upgrade fungsi kamera yang kemudian di..