Tags : Forces

The Unexpected Savior

The Unexpected Savior

A Poem by Meowllory

Written in my youth.
Not Like Any Other Love

Not Like Any Other Love

A Poem by Winds of Will

A expressive story about love continuing to breathe
Veneni Virtute

Veneni Virtute

A Poem by Nina St. Moritz

A rewrite of my "Poisons of Power" poem as a villanelle
The snail will get to Easter just as soon

The snail will get to Easter just as soon

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Faulkner's comment, I imagine himtossing it off like Yogi Berra between gamesof a doubleheader. The hero, the expert, the virtuosohas no real control,..
Bone Music

Bone Music

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

1Last night dinnerwith four couplespoints out the difficulties in living togetherand apart. Even theson of a wealthy doctor, disdainful ofineb..
The Juxtaposing Forces in This Conquered Mind

The Juxtaposing Forces in This Conquered Mind

A Poem by Elizabeth Davis

In regards to my anxiety and how it affects my mentality.
He wasn't worth it...

He wasn't worth it...

A Story by TheAbandoned

Emotional Story. I hope.