Tags : Fantasy-Fiction

The Sheathing of the Sword - Book 1: The Serpent's Son

The Sheathing of the Sword - Book 1: The Serpent's..

A Book by Sharmake Abdi Bouraleh

Strangers bound by an old prophecy, bringing together the good, the bad, and the truly malevolent. Let's not forget those who are caught up in the fol..
Nineteen Years Later

Nineteen Years Later

A Chapter by Sharmake Abdi Bouraleh

Literally just a time skip. You can skip this chapter if you want to be confused about the already ambiguous timeline...
Yin 0: Battle of the Brazilian Library

Yin 0: Battle of the Brazilian Library

A Chapter by Sharmake Abdi Bouraleh

Now where the plot proper begins.
Yang 1: Headaches and Heartbreaks

Yang 1: Headaches and Heartbreaks

A Chapter by Sharmake Abdi Bouraleh

And now one of our main characters is introduced.
Yin 2: Friendly Advice

Yin 2: Friendly Advice

A Chapter by Sharmake Abdi Bouraleh

A visit from an old friend reveals a new one's gone missing.
Yang 3: The Daughter of the Dragon

Yang 3: The Daughter of the Dragon

A Chapter by Sharmake Abdi Bouraleh

Takamura is more than she appears, and knows more than she lets on.
Yin 4: The Children of the Zodiac

Yin 4: The Children of the Zodiac

A Chapter by Sharmake Abdi Bouraleh

In which some context is finally provided! Yay!
Yang 5: Snowflake Sorrows

Yang 5: Snowflake Sorrows

A Chapter by Sharmake Abdi Bouraleh

Yay for flashbacks and character backstory!
Yin 6: The Five Celestial Beasts

Yin 6: The Five Celestial Beasts

A Chapter by Sharmake Abdi Bouraleh

Is that a lengthy exposition I hear?
Yang 7: Deadly Nightshade

Yang 7: Deadly Nightshade

A Chapter by Sharmake Abdi Bouraleh

Dragging in the Dragon of Life.
Yin 8: The Dragons’ Decision

Yin 8: The Dragons’ Decision

A Chapter by Sharmake Abdi Bouraleh

The Dragons discuss prudent methods and plot out appropriate actions.
Yang 9: Moonlight Musings

Yang 9: Moonlight Musings

A Chapter by Sharmake Abdi Bouraleh

Enter: A new player joins the fray!
Yin 10: A Knight in Soaking Armour

Yin 10: A Knight in Soaking Armour

A Chapter by Sharmake Abdi Bouraleh

A new character is introduced.
Yang 11: The Family Business

Yang 11: The Family Business

A Chapter by Sharmake Abdi Bouraleh

Yet another character introduced. This chapter serves to introduce a character that will be recurring later on.
Yin 12: Duty, Sacrifice, Loyalty

Yin 12: Duty, Sacrifice, Loyalty

A Chapter by Sharmake Abdi Bouraleh

Another speedy (not really) backstory and new character introduced. I'm very cruel.