Tags Expired
Expired DreamsA Poem by LetMeLoveYouAn old piece I wrote for English that I hoped you all would enjoy. |
~EXpir'd DanceA Poem by Frieda Puntimely teeming downpours, my tears slid down your cheeksas your heart bled unto my soul without concessions revelation's pulse,alas, beating eyes .. |
Time ExpiredA Story by Father Mojohttp://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=Time+Expired%2CB00G1VNKT0A parking meter at a gravesite brin.. |
Expiration UnknownA Poem by Insatiable WriterWe don't know when our time with others will be our last, whether by death or by paths just no longer being intertwined... Everyone has their own road.. |