Tags : Exciting

Intimidate Me

Intimidate Me

A Poem by Mortricia

Kitten Savior

Kitten Savior

A Story by ...

A man is caught in a heroic struggle to save a helpless kitten... Will he make it? Or will he fall to his doom?
Immortal Passion

Immortal Passion

A Book by Delana

Asher thought it would be easy living among humans.Until he meets someone that causes him to think twice.But will this person be vital in his life?Or ..
Meet Angel.

Meet Angel.

A Chapter by Delana

I stood there, staring at the ground. I ignored her thoughts, wondering what her next words would be...Then she spoke."...That's okay with me, Asher."..
"I can't..."

"I can't..."

A Chapter by Delana

Last night I helped Alina and Angel home. Angel first, then Alina. I made sure Alina was safe. The next day passed by quickly. Next thing I knew, I wa..
Complications. [[Mykal's Point of View]]

Complications. [[Mykal's Point of View]]

A Chapter by Delana

Running through the forest, I tried to put together what had just happened last night. I don't understand it. I got so close to killing that girl! The..
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Luv143Hate142

The sounds of pans clinging together awaken me. “WAKE UP CHILDREN!” Madame says. I haven’t the slightest idea why she calls..


A Chapter by Serena Tan

After five hundred years of torturing wait, the lady had finally returned. Lord Aloysius was awaken from the curse to retrieve her back to his hug aga..
One + Day

One + Day

A Chapter by Allison

Most people do not expect the unexpected, maybe not even the expected.
The Red Ribbon

The Red Ribbon

A Story by dark brown i's

This story is about a little girl who follows a ribbion in the air as she is going home when she finds a secret shed...
Uncontrollable +

Uncontrollable +

A Book by Allison

Emerald has lived a quiet life with no friends. She discovered she had a very strange power that she learned to control: seeming invisible. And no per..
Two + People

Two + People

A Chapter by Allison

Is two better than one?
Games of Madness: Drive

Games of Madness: Drive

A Story by Vincent Vercelli

The story is written in the form of a journal, so you only know what the character writes, when he writes it. The story begins and ends on different l..
Three + Steps

Three + Steps

A Chapter by Allison

Taking steps to learn.
Four + Ways

Four + Ways

A Chapter by Allison

Forward, Backward, Left, or Right?
Lie is Key: Part Two Chapter One

Lie is Key: Part Two Chapter One

A Chapter by Nick "The Stick" Branyon

I really need some reviews and comments on my story.
Lie is Key: Part Three Chapter One

Lie is Key: Part Three Chapter One

A Chapter by Nick "The Stick" Branyon

This is when Caroline just faced the random dream.

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