Tags : Disconnected



A Chapter by My Fair Lady

Wanting to Undo It
No Future

No Future

A Poem by tekphobik

For the disconnected.


A Poem by littlegypsysol

the woman in this poem is a mix of a lot of women I have worked with as a counselor, people I know and probably some parts of myself too. I went on a ..


A Story by Cody Williams

Kathy recieves a phone call from her distressed grandson before getting Disconnected.
Service Provider

Service Provider

A Poem by Lola

I am lost in you. You pull me in as I tug harder but you let me fall. Disconnecting yourself from my love will ever provide.
Midnight Blues

Midnight Blues

A Poem by Agnes Young

I lie in bed, awake and unable to shake that unbearable feeling of loneliness.I lie in bed counting the minutes…hours go by...I am conscious ..
May 31, 2014

May 31, 2014

A Poem by Molly

TrappedIn a sea of peopleUnable to make contactTo break through the thick glass barrier that divides youTo fill the void you feelTo cease The dull thr..
June 8, 2014

June 8, 2014

A Poem by Molly

HollowedCarved down to your coreEmptied of all thoughtsEmotionsAnd connectionto everythingyou once held so dear
Too Hot for Februrary

Too Hot for Februrary

A Story by George Comerci

She feels disconnected, and maybe a little sad, just like she always does. Maybe this time, it's because palm trees don't provide much when it comes t..


A Poem by Whisp

More random musings.
fee ling blu

fee ling blu

A Poem by Amrit Evan Gupta



A Poem by Han'ke

The sad state of society.