Tags : Developer

6 Best Practices That Can Enhance PHP Code's Performance

6 Best Practices That Can Enhance PHP Code's Perfo..

A Story by WebLift

These were some important practices which should be kept in mind before starting off a new PHP project to enhance performance and security.
5 Reasons to Create Content Outside A Niche

5 Reasons to Create Content Outside A Niche

A Story by IronPaper

These were the few reasons that explains why to write content outside the niche.
5 Design Strategies To Improve Rank Of a Responsive Website

5 Design Strategies To Improve Rank Of a Responsiv..

A Story by Glass Media

Almost every modern website comes with a responsive web design template due to increased number of mobile audience on web.
The Prodigy

The Prodigy

A Story by Sarah J Dhue

A computer programmer finds himself in an odd situation.