Tags : Departing

Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under

A Story by Mylifeinheartbeats

A Fictional one-take about a girl who's father dies.
Bleeding Heart Pigeon

Bleeding Heart Pigeon

A Book by Rhemaebel

What is Emily's Fate as she goes back to the Small town of Avodroc. Her shattered soul wanders to this small town in search for an answer of Kyle's ma..
Boarding Call.

Boarding Call.

A Story by holly j

Airports are such strange places. At the surface, there's hundreds and hundreds of people coming and going, lengthy security procedures, miraculously ..
The Last Love Letter

The Last Love Letter

A Story by C. Jayne Johnson

"This must be the most selfish thing I have ever done in my life. I tried avoiding writing you a formal letter because I wanted you to get the rawest ..
Ballad Of The Sleepers

Ballad Of The Sleepers

A Poem by Anna

Curly haired, kindly smiles,pipe smoke and wandering eyes.To venture upon such a sight,he sought not after gold nor whys.Tangled, but not forever so l..
The Survivor's Ballad

The Survivor's Ballad

A Poem by Anna

We shake the shiver from our hollow bones,cold breath lingers inside each heaving lung.Our eyes are dry and tired from this Winter,and I know it's tim..
The Sounding

The Sounding

A Poem by Anna

No matter what world you dwell in,no matter who you are,there will always be angels and devilsamongst you.Whether they are yours,or not.Whether you se..
34. Farewell to Cowslip

34. Farewell to Cowslip

A Chapter by Peter Rogerson

Emma finally has enough of the weird beliefs of Barney Pickle