Tags : Commandments

Offending God

Offending God

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Lent Day Sixteen

Lent Day Sixteen

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

The last step to humility, according to St. Benedict is to be humble in everything action.The twelfth degree of humility is, when a monk is not only h..
Lent: Day Seventeen--Even if God Doesn't Exist, God IS Real

Lent: Day Seventeen--Even if God Doesn't Exist, Go..

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Every once in a while I run across an atheist who decides he is going to show my the error of my ways and the level of my delusion. A rational, educat..
Lent: Day Eighteen–I’m No Judas! I’m So Much Worse...

Lent: Day Eighteen–I’m No Judas! I’m So Much..

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

When I was still in college, I had a dream that I was sent back into time to the time of Jesus. In the dream, my job was to make sure that Jesus was c..
Lent: Day Nineteen

Lent: Day Nineteen

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Jesus said to his disciples:“Don’t assume that I have come to sabotage Moses’ set of rules or the prophets’ teachings. I haven..
Lent: Day Twenty-One

Lent: Day Twenty-One

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

A biblical scholar heard them debating and approached them. When he saw how well Jesus responded to the clergy, he asked Jesus, “Which commandme..
Lent: Day Twenty-Two

Lent: Day Twenty-Two

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Then Jesus told this story to those who look down on everybody else, while being convinced that they themselves are hot stuff. “Once upon a time..
Lent: Day Twenty-Three

Lent: Day Twenty-Three

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Tax-collectors and people with notoriously bad reputations flocked around Jesus so that they could hear him speak. But the lay-ministers and bibli..
Lent: Day Twenty-Four

Lent: Day Twenty-Four

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Cain sacrificed his brother to his jealousy and sin, and that blood never stopped accusing him, declaring his guilt; God sacrificed His Son for us..
Jesuit 101--Jesuit Spirituality

Jesuit 101--Jesuit Spirituality

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

We have a Jesuit pope now, so a lot of people are probably trying to learn what that means.
Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

The reign of King David was coming to an end. To put it plainly he was old. He was definitely tired. The first half of his life was spent building a k..
Spiritual Sickness and Its Spiritual Remedy

Spiritual Sickness and Its Spiritual Remedy

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Traditionally, in Western Christianity, sin is seen as a transgression of a list of rules or commandments. It is often viewed as an active and willful..
The Church -- Think Universal, Act Particular...

The Church -- Think Universal, Act Particular...

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

The Church exists as two concepts: there is The Church, which is the catholic expression of faith and vision �" the Church in its entirety..
Taking Off the Mask and Showing My True Face

Taking Off the Mask and Showing My True Face

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

“Make sure that none of you act out your right relationship with God in front of other people because then human praise will be the only rew..
Love -- Why It Is Important

Love -- Why It Is Important

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

The reason why it is so important to love others is that there are a lot of people out there who have never learned how to love themselves -- and they..
Show, Don't Tell

Show, Don't Tell

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Maybe at Confirmation, or at Conversion, or at sometime in Sunday School or Youth Group, experienced Christians should be giving all new or budding Ch..
Winning the Gold

Winning the Gold

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

There is no Gold Medal Olympic Runner who sprang out of the womb knowing how to run, or how to win races. Every Gold Medal Olympic Runner who ever ran..


A Poem by James W Dillon

Or the 10 commandments as you may know it
God's Ten Commandments

God's Ten Commandments

A Poem by Randy Johnson

To get closer to God we must attend Church and pray.And there are Ten Commandments everybody must obey.We must live the way that Jehovah wants us to l..
The Pentateuch

The Pentateuch

A Poem by Gerry Legister

The first five books of the old testament form the theological foundation of the Bible. These five books were written by Moses, describes the creation..

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