Tags : Captured

JVL: Chapter Thirteen

JVL: Chapter Thirteen

A Chapter by r

In truth, running for one's life wasn't that exciting unless in extreme danger. Explosions far behind her and a metal bird weren't dangerous, it turne..
Chapter Two: Taken

Chapter Two: Taken

A Chapter by lostdiadem

Annabelle and Shayde discover who kidnapped Trevor. They set off to resccue him, but are stopped by a mysterious creature who captures Annabelle and t..
Cold and Heat

Cold and Heat

A Story by Dark Angel ~

I wrote this because I was in math class and I got really, really bored. (if you there you'd know) Then I thought: "This is almost kind of decent!"
Fly Away

Fly Away

A Poem by Becky

Captured birdie flee.


A Chapter by jashykins

Matthias is arrested by the police for murdering Thomas Savan.


A Chapter by Abbie

Panya is a young white-ankled mouse who goes in search of some food. what will happen?????? *****I put the Mouse Speak in my note, so you might want t..


A Poem by Bumble

A dark room.Behind a door.Calling for anyone.Death is near.Even with a strong soul.Fear lingers.Gruesome images fill her sweet mind.Hell is almost ove..
The Wingless Larva

The Wingless Larva

A Poem by Nr. Nine

How I feel, when somethings unfair, but I can't do s**t about it...
little necromancer

little necromancer

A Story by justiceluvsbats

a boy is kidnapped, and in attempt to be set free, he finds his secret powers.
I saw you...

I saw you...

A Poem by twinklestar

You see that one person and just know ... but there is no insta love spell. That's not how the world works ^-^
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Lisa

It's been four years since Ryna's death, and Celina, now 14 years old, has found herself in the chaser's clutches again.
Chapter 1: Captured

Chapter 1: Captured

A Chapter by Norma Gonzalez

Hakashima is finally inslaved.
Let Me Go

Let Me Go

A Poem by dianalondon

A nightingale, in its golden cage, I looked beyond the window pane. The bucolic view, the peaceful plane. ..
stopping right here

stopping right here

A Poem by Shirlena

gotchu now
Rat King

Rat King

A Poem by Anna Ivy

Little brown eyed mouse questions the rat. Inspired by a favorite music composer of mine

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