Tags : Broken+heart

My Heart of Ice

My Heart of Ice

A Poem by ★ Aeryn Harmonica T..

The result of a broken heart...


A Poem by Leaner Pastures

have you ever noticed how bright your clock is at 3 am?


A Poem by C.T. Bailey

Redemption By C.T. Bailey Wipe my tears with your veil, for they have washed clean my path, and they plead the scriptures no more, love. Can y..
Paper Heart-Part III

Paper Heart-Part III

A Poem by B.E. Gonzales

I am afraid to love again because of her. It's better this way so I wouldn't be hurt again.
Broken Heart

Broken Heart

A Poem by Moth Phoenix

A song I wrote after I got my heart broken. I know it's short... lol


A Poem by Wicahpi

it speaks for itself


A Poem by Dark Angel's Storm

A poem about misplaced trust.
Tomorrow, I Won't...

Tomorrow, I Won't...

A Poem by Laine

Clickity Click Clickity Click Clickity Click That is the sound of my fingers On the keys of the old typewriter
The Wasteland of My Heart

The Wasteland of My Heart

A Poem by R. Lupsor [Caratris]

This was written when I was feeling pretty down, and ironicly enough, I felt mucher better when I finished it. Gotta love how that works out.
Eve's Rib ~ Jezebel's Hips

Eve's Rib ~ Jezebel's Hips

A Poem by Iota

Eve moaned softly arching her spine northward
The Beginning

The Beginning

A Chapter by

“Perhaps there is nothing more irreplaceable than a damaged soul”
Game Level 1

Game Level 1

A Chapter by

“When one’s happiness is gone, is it irretrievable?”


A Chapter by

"What is that thing called love ... lust"
Game Progress

Game Progress

A Chapter by

Love? ... Lust? ... Love? ... Lust?

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