Tags : Borges

Conrad & Borges: Reality vs. Illusion

Conrad & Borges: Reality vs. Illusion

A Story by Parlor_Trick

Deconstructive comparison between Joseph Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness' and Jorge Luis Borges' 'Borges and I'.
The Happy Tectonics

The Happy Tectonics

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Next to my son's angerplate tectonics are nothingto me. His unhappinesswas caused by me.His purpose and mineis to catch photons andstore them in our b..


A Poem by Robert Ronnow

There cannot be two identical things in the world. Twohydrogen atomsoffer infinite locations within their shells for electrons.Thus, nothing can be de..
My teacher has always been blind…

My teacher has always been blind…

A Poem by cesar

dedicated to borges, my first teacher