Tags : Bohemianism

Urge Bohemian

Urge Bohemian

A Poem by Marian Elizabeth

From under my torn beret, I surveyed my poem’s travels From cold hand to air to puddle To dancing petroleum stains, to filth, to suburb..


A Poem by Marian Elizabeth

After blazing leaves of pleasure In a labyrinth I walked Pressured to discover exits But wanting to discover none. In my mind I raced th..


A Poem by Marian Elizabeth

Sitting at a chill cafe, Under the spell of good jazz, I felt a bohemian thread Bind the vessels in my heart And I thought of trinkets, c..


A Poem by Marian Elizabeth

There is a mischievous gypsy That cheats my fate with her cards, That makes me believe the moon Drew good omens on my palm, That talks of..


A Poem by Marian Elizabeth

There is bittersweet agony When cutting open a path To live and write To walk while loving another With the freedom one loves art, An..
Celestial Tale

Celestial Tale

A Poem by Marian Elizabeth

In a fantasy Bohemian, The Sun betrayed the sky, Abandoned it to cold, to grim and dark, Took all his anklets, his hamsas and his rays And..
Birth of a Poem

Birth of a Poem

A Poem by Marian Elizabeth

I have come to face my nemesis As she roams through paper woods, Swims in aqueous lakes of words, Builds for metaphors their nests. Agile..


A Poem by Marian Elizabeth

Opium is an angel of existence, The Romantics loved it so; It builds a kaleidoscope Out of the greed in my eyes. My vantage point is surr..
Le Sang Bohème

Le Sang Bohème

A Poem by Marian Elizabeth

I know nothing Of the red flesh of a heart, Of epiphanies that cut it. My expertise is sapphire, Semi liquid Like the ocean during sto..
Sensory Riot

Sensory Riot

A Poem by Marian Elizabeth

Should I take another hit? This here is the brim of sane, Right here, The space that my knees erase When I fight to hold in piss. I wo..