Tags : Ara

Een Ara in de Slaapkamer

Een Ara in de Slaapkamer

A Story by elifromamsterdam

This is written in Dutch. I'll be trying to write in English from here on.
Chapter 3-The Force source

Chapter 3-The Force source

A Chapter by Rebecca

Starina went back to the Imperial facilities by Force-jumping and Force-dashing so that no one would see her. Another skill Rebeth hadn't taught ..
Chapter 4-Ambassador in action

Chapter 4-Ambassador in action

A Chapter by Rebecca

They eventually landed in Csilla. The prime minister had a sour expression on his face, but accepted them in his mansion. His wife, a very charm..
Chapter 5-Frozen in time

Chapter 5-Frozen in time

A Chapter by Rebecca

The sun rose again and its beautiful rays shone on D'Qar. Rebeth was whispering Cryl's name in her sleep and he was sitting by hair side, caressing..