Tags : Aboriginal

Moccasins Are a Girl's Best Friend

Moccasins Are a Girl's Best Friend

A Poem by Andy Ruffett

You know it's true.
The Polar Bear Express

The Polar Bear Express

A Story by Naomi Bloom

A flash fiction about one of my favourite vacations and places; The Polar Bear Express, a train which goes from Cochrane, Ontario to Moosonee, Ontario..
Sexual Metaphysics 101 or Fighting the Future.

Sexual Metaphysics 101 or Fighting the Future.

A Chapter by Fictari

Van Gag and Annie try to bargain for their freedom by taking the religious bounty hunters who captured them to a tantric sex lounge called Aphrodite a..
Stolen Child

Stolen Child

A Poem by Droc

About a shameful period in Australian history where black cildren were removed from their parents and the tribe.
Stories from Kashechewan

Stories from Kashechewan

A Story by Flower

A short story highlighting the struggles and injustices that Aboriginal Canadians face. Based on the Kashechewan water crisis and further inspired by ..
REZ's EDGE - Destruction & Redemption (http://bradjensen.wixsite.com/authorbradjensen)

REZ's EDGE - Destruction & Redemption (http://brad..

A Book by Author Brad Jensen

A boy's father is killed in a head-on highway collision caused by a drunk driver. One year later he returns to 8th grade to face the relatives of his..
Hunter Hunted (The Painting Monster)

Hunter Hunted (The Painting Monster)

A Story by EJ's Horror

Be wary of venturing on to Tribal land or any place deemed forbidden. The Traditional owners may not be so forgiving...
Tu Meke (So Much)

Tu Meke (So Much)

A Poem by Budharuboi

This poem amidst both a break up and a bushfire crisis engulfing my country. I felt so full of grief and loss but I needed to capture those moments of..
Yananha Ngurambang-gu (Going toward country)

Yananha Ngurambang-gu (Going toward country)

A Poem by Budharuboi

Being able to connect to my Wiradjuri country, culture and identity has been one of the most healing things I've been able to do but it comes with a c..
The drum

The drum

A Story by Simbles

In honour of the aborigines O Australia and their unrelenting ability to keep a perfect beat four hours and hours without missing a beat, stories pass..