Tags : %23wisdom

My Song

My Song

A Poem by ALee

My Testimony


A Poem by C.Ward

Perfection Always trying to be perfect, After all this time is being perfect even worth it? Perfection always on my brain, The image of perfect..
The Path Of Right Action

The Path Of Right Action

A Story by Zeref

Karma-Yoga is a path which is followed by everyone but not understood. Lord Krishna explained sacrifice in context with action. Path of idealism can b..


A Poem by Peace Nyumbaiza

This poem is inspired by the book of Proverbs.


A Poem by Ja

Every failure Is a step towards success If you just take the time To its reasons asses WIZDUMBs BY JA 302
Seeking Idealism

Seeking Idealism

A Story by Zeref

Its not exactly a story. Its something I thought and discovered when I read The Holy Bhagavad Gita. I have many pieces of writing . This is Just a par..
Worldly Illusions

Worldly Illusions

A Story by Zeref

The philosophy of worldly illusions and sense of object is huge but a wonderful aspect of life. To bring peace and spirituality one must control his s..