Tags : %23recovery

True beauty

True beauty

A Poem by Ashley Wyble

This is a message to all girls and woman
Climb higher

Climb higher

A Poem by Ashley Wyble

I wrote this for the girls I talk to about hope and always having faith
Night Prowler

Night Prowler

A Poem by Sobriety Notoriety

Paranoia seeps into my veins.. is it just a bad day? Or the wrong train.
Too Much

Too Much

A Poem by Sobriety Notoriety

To miss, and not be missed in return.
Lost Lust.er

Lost Lust.er

A Story by Sobriety Notoriety

Temptation through the eyes of the abstinate


A Poem by Chris

I felt like I was drowning when I wrote this.


A Poem by Bryn_Blossom

Trigger Warning: self-harm


A Poem by Bryn_Blossom

A poem about depression
The Story of That Night

The Story of That Night

A Poem by Bryn_Blossom

Trigger Warning: mental illnesses; doesn't mention any self-harm or suicide but can be assumed A poem I wrote about an old friend of mine, I am okay


A Poem by cricket

trapped inside of a sick mind.