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Unseen Wounds

Unseen Wounds

A Poem by Curlyambiguity

They only fester in the silence.Time is ticking.We should stop being quietBecause all they can do is fester in the silence.The longer they fester, the..
Hearts Not Spoken

Hearts Not Spoken

A Poem by Horizons

She took my every breathbeyond the region,I wondered, if she resides to my heart...Would she be my pigeon?The taste of lemon so sour, though orange ta..
The Art of Writing

The Art of Writing

A Poem by Naomi

How does one write with so much skill and passion that a picture can be painted through their words? That a story can be told without no visual images..
End of Days

End of Days

A Poem by DeadMessenger

No way to describe other than trying to imagine.


A Poem by anne

Tonight you are living in the ruins of other people’s dreams. Sometimes in your sleep you can still hear the clapping of hands and teeth a..


A Poem by Alisa

take it is a lesson or don't
Once again

Once again

A Poem by Dina

Malicious words can destroy someone, But mostly they destroy the one who has said them.

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