Tags : %23Growth

And From the Hopeless Ashes, A Phoenix Will Rise

And From the Hopeless Ashes, A Phoenix Will Rise

A Poem by gr8naynay

Change, growth, enlightenment, and ascension are nothing to shake a stick at. It's a process that happens over time, and often times the going gets a ..
The birth of thought

The birth of thought

A Poem by Ady Boblil

The birth of thought. A gift, is it?


A Poem by Scarlett Snow

But we've shared a past not too long,And i'll always remember you as someone,Who taught me how to grow, But then cut me down.
The Corpse Gets Restless

The Corpse Gets Restless

A Poem by Kal

Feeling the need to dig up my creative side and allow my thoughts to be placed into text. I will dismiss my own criticism and self-judgment when it co..
Guilty By Default

Guilty By Default

A Poem by Natalie R

Perhaps it is time to move on from this,To grow and throw away this negativity would soon clean my conscience My level of being content would finally ..
Phantom Limb

Phantom Limb

A Poem by Rea Rainey

Craving your presence is like having a phantom limb,Painful,and then you remember it was never really there to begin with.
The Benefits of Being In A Relationship With A Leader.

The Benefits of Being In A Relationship With A Lea..

A Story by Cashmere Thoughts

Let's write again, this time, 5 years later, lets write about love.


A Story by Seher

What's yours will find a way but at what cost?


A Story by Seher

Story of a young woman navigating through life and loss.