Tags : %23Age

Cries of a Babyface

Cries of a Babyface

A Story by Bria Si'mone

Greivances of a woman just trying to relax without her face causing confusion
Love? Or some crap?

Love? Or some crap?

A Poem by Q

What will it take for mortals to see what is true?Truth lies before our eyes but we conveniently ignore itCommonly love and lust are easily mistakenBu..


A Poem by mediocrepoet

You got a gold watch For the 53 years you worked. Typing and hunched back, 9 - 5, Monday to Friday So..


A Story by Thalassa

He worshipped perfection. In the warehouse in which he spent tireless nights, caressing each tool and material to check its durability; he lay c..