Tags : change

A Rich Man

A Rich Man

A Poem by Thomas W Case

I don't vacationin Babylon anymore.The ticket prices soaredand the tripalmost killed me.Years ofdebauchery weren'tgood for the soul.The only gold Iwan..
Sermon to Society

Sermon to Society

A Story by ruth

I wrote this for my AP Language arts class (11th grade) and my teacher encouraged me to publish it.
A celestial Conspiracy

A celestial Conspiracy

A Story by FreeSpirit

So this story answers some questions scientists couldn't explain or come up with. I through in a little fiction in there but I use real-world details...
Seperate Ways

Seperate Ways

A Poem by Ak_147

The cakes she baked, ever so sweet,their sweetness grew, endlessly deep.But one day, it seems, a hint of salt slipped inan honest mistake, I think.Tim..
Summer's End

Summer's End

A Poem by promisedtothetides

something i captured when the world was wavering
to be loved

to be loved

A Poem by Liv

They say to be loved is to be changed.Changed for the better, I presume.But what happensWhen the one you love doesn’t love you anymoreAnd the ch..
the moon

the moon

A Poem by Liv

night by night, she looks into the endless abyss that is the night sky.darkvastand blankin the midst of the blank sky- an incandescent figure, evercha..


A Poem by Sharanya Vimal Nair

For and project at school!1
Presentation of Self

Presentation of Self

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Everything is normalso not much to sing or say. No summer thunderstorm,the snow was magical only for an hour.Old menaren’t removing women’..


A Poem by Jeff Bresee

Have you perhaps, held on too longto the place you call home?Have you let too much time slip by,avoiding the unknown?It’s hard not to be scared ..
Time Rolls On

Time Rolls On

A Poem by Godwin Isiwu

Time is like a ball rolling down the lane—unstoppable, blind, and ever-moving. Whether we run with it or not, it never slows down. A vivid poem ..


A Poem by Inkspire

A distant heart, unwilling to write its own story

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