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A Poem by Greg Kousoulis

A lovely, little poem about being co-dependent in relationships


A Poem by elsa



A Poem by KitLightning

A poem about/for my partner, she's from Tenesee and had a difficult childhood growing up in the smokey mountains with all the bears. I'm a blad sailor..
New Friend

New Friend

A Poem by Dave W.

I like meeting good people.....
Soul Connection

Soul Connection

A Poem by Dave W.

What a mystery that is this life.......
Tace mane interlude

Tace mane interlude

A Poem by Dave W.

Quiet morning interlude
Painting Vibrance on a Clean Slate

Painting Vibrance on a Clean Slate

A Poem by Falling Awake

The gold, velvet curtainsallow the sun to slip through,contrasting the flat, make-shift fabricthat used to shield these rays.Light dances on the fresh..
hello, friend

hello, friend

A Poem by laika

my, how quickly we turn--rough draft, i still want to thesaurize (new word i just made up, i'm sure you can glean the meaning)

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