Tags : demon

Big Bad Karma

Big Bad Karma

A Book by Kimberly Tennyson

For ordinary Kayla Morgan, life just got a lot more complicated.
Carried on Broken Wings

Carried on Broken Wings

A Book by Harmony

She must find her way back to heaven, but that's a task easier said than done for a demon.
Far From Grace

Far From Grace

A Poem by Gypsy Dreamer

Recalling a past time and place with a regretful longing.
Part Three : Earth - The Clan Years

Part Three : Earth - The Clan Years

A Chapter by Allyssianne

PART 3 : EARTH - THE CLAN YEARS We left the Academy. I packed everything, got Merlas and we left. Raven teleported us to a clearing somewh..


A Poem by BetweenYouAndMe

We all have our own demons. Reasons why we can't sleep on the darkest of nights. Why we fear most what we don't know. No two are exactly the sam..
Demon slayer

Demon slayer

A Book by dahamsta

A story about a man trying to take on demons and defend that, which is precious to him.
Chapter 1: Deadly premonition

Chapter 1: Deadly premonition

A Chapter by dahamsta

Just the beginning ^^
An Angel's Chaos, Is A Demon's Hell

An Angel's Chaos, Is A Demon's Hell

A Story by Gemma Elizabeth

Never ask an unorganised angel to look after anything!


A Poem by Solaris LeRouche

Fight your Inner Demons!
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Two

A Chapter by Rayne~Drop.

Biology. It could be fun if you had a crazy teacher, right?