Tags : Teens

The Youngest Hunter

The Youngest Hunter

A Book by Observer

Gabriel's childhood blackouts have returned with serious headaches. His mother goes miss when he meets a young girl. Together they discover an ancie..
Getting By

Getting By

A Book by Chris

They met in art class. Zach and Adam formed a friendship before it turned into something more, but will it last when Zach starts getting bullied for h..
In Case of Emergency

In Case of Emergency

A Book by Miss Evans

Igrid Aimes is a fifteen year old girl living in the suburbs of Western America; an average kid with a not-so average goal.


A Book by It Just Is

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt; it's a defense mechanism Jace and Step are willing to use and abuse in almost every aspect in their lives.
Cat Eyes

Cat Eyes

A Book by derp180

Aiden is a boy stuck in a corrupt government system that makes orphans be servants. He meets a girl unlike any other who may or may not have made him..
Brutes and T-Shirts

Brutes and T-Shirts

A Story by Scarlet

My attempts to make something interesting out of my Physics class.
Digital Me

Digital Me

A Book by polkadotsstripes

A story about bullying. Figured it would be nice to connect with a real world problem.
Whatever Happens, Happens

Whatever Happens, Happens

A Book by Becky57

Can one night ruin the rest of Rachel's life?
I long for you

I long for you

A Book by shannon

I glanced at him while he wasn't paying attention...marveling every aspect of his body. His jet black hair, soft almond eyes, and his tan skin...but I..
My Dark Wonderland

My Dark Wonderland

A Story by Samantha Rose

The mind is a complex thing. It's very fragile, which most people never really seem to understand until something has happened to them to harm their m..
Brinstel High

Brinstel High

A Book by polkadotsstripes

A group of 9th graders, new to Brinstel High School, learn how to deal with hate, relationships, and life.
Day 1

Day 1

A Chapter by polkadotsstripes

It's the new niners first day at Brinstel High in Toronto, Canada. They learn about the Drama that has happened there already, and whats to come.