Tags : Capitalism

Economic Reset Via Hybridized Trinity

Economic Reset Via Hybridized Trinity

A Story by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

A bit of food for thought presented as an article of theoretical speculative conjecture ...


A Poem by Oz

A feeling of hopelessness, is there hope? Who knows
A Resurrection's Return Of Feudalism

A Resurrection's Return Of Feudalism

A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

A thank you to Stuart Munroe and Fabian G. Franklin of Writerscafe.org


A Story by C.S. Williams

An entrepreneur finds more than he bargained for when he heads to an abandoned farm.
Champion Dartmouth

Champion Dartmouth

A Story by Abishai100

Amlan Satan is a sportswear-trumpeting social-media 'chess-democracy' advocate in the United States...and a messenger of erasure.


A Poem by Earthrise

living at a different tempo
Venger's Business-Card(s)

Venger's Business-Card(s)

A Story by Abishai100

A narrated portrait of capitalism-rhetoric defense on Earth, requiring 'alien' forms of 'treasure' chess Ego definition.
The Prince

The Prince

A Story by Abishai100

Amlan Satan is the 'Earth-prince' whose civilization 'bounty' includes diamond-capitalism, chess-defense, and the Romanticism behind 'race' examinatio..
Vishnu-Shiva: The Race Form

Vishnu-Shiva: The Race Form

A Story by Abishai100

Two deities seek to defend the capitalist human race from forms of Ego-desensitization.
Poets & Politicians

Poets & Politicians

A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

semi-artistic humor written as means of poking fun at we Poets, Politicians in general, & left wing political activist Noam Chomsky & right wing polit..
Man's Hunter

Man's Hunter

A Poem by C.F

A dystopian society is what we get to observe through this poem while the protagonist and his consciousness talk and build an idea of hopelessness.
Hyperion/Endymion: Duke's Magnet

Hyperion/Endymion: Duke's Magnet

A Story by Abishai100

Two 'beings' from non-Earth domains explore the 'richness' of capitalism 'reflective' sports 'trophy' imagery for a universal view for all that's race..
Another's Words Leave No Room For Thought

Another's Words Leave No Room For Thought

A Story by AshenAshlyn

A short story about a boy living in a world where each person's voice is for sale.


A Poem by vanci

This poem describes that bittersweet feeling of not being able to truly take in the joy that you are feeling due to not being in a good financial pos..


A Poem by Jeff Bresee

Do we consider, what else could be...
The Outer Space-Exits-The-Atoms-Of-The-American-Republican Party-Batty Boy, and Charisma Carpenter

The Outer Space-Exits-The-Atoms-Of-The-American-Re..

A Story by trokanmariel33

The Outer Space Exits The Atoms Of The American Republican Party Batty Boy, and Charisma Carpenterby Thomas HeathIt was all, for Charisma Carpenter. ..
F**k Capitalism

F**k Capitalism

A Poem by Wrath

I am a force of nature. my winds are wasted on retail, but sometimes surviving takes precedence over living. sometimes you have to sell your soul t..
System 2nd-Down: Early Chalk Linguistics

System 2nd-Down: Early Chalk Linguistics

A Story by Abishai100

Narrative of what makes Wall Street fortune 'IQ' something of an Earthling cleat for those brain games of wrought jury phonics.

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