Tags : Autumn

Pen the key..Paper the safe...!!

Pen the key..Paper the safe...!!

A Poem by Prateek

I see you around,When eyes staring at me,but noone to ease my frown,I see you around….When I stand aloneand the cold breeze send shivers,I just..


A Poem by Prateek

Just two separate pieces...I just wrote the Title to whatever came to my mind first while writing it. :) One of it was actually written sitting at th..
Classroom notes 2...!!

Classroom notes 2...!!

A Poem by Prateek

This is not fully my work. Its a joint work between Sakshi {an amazing writer and a good friend http://www.writerscafe.org/sakshinitt}. She came up wi..
Changing Seasons

Changing Seasons

A Poem by Sherry Asbury

A poem about my favorite time of year, Autumn
The Dead and The Living

The Dead and The Living

A Story by Summer Grace

This is a story I wrote for a writing contest, where it didn't place, but I didn't expect it to, it's the first story of this length that I've ever wr..
The Auburn Season

The Auburn Season

A Poem by ObscurityNone

Autumn, my favorite season. =)
Kingdom of Autumn

Kingdom of Autumn

A Poem by Raccoony

Rich autumn...
The Return

The Return

A Story by Colleen

Liv's ex-boyfriend has returned, throwing her world into turmoil. After being gone for three years, he seems hell-bent on wreaking havoc on her life.
September winds send tired leaves astray

September winds send tired leaves astray

A Poem by Astral_Tides

Once upon a windy night..
How Lovely is the Winter's Flesh

How Lovely is the Winter's Flesh

A Poem by Walter Scott Morrison

A poem I wrote as both a metephor for death and a literal sense as well. I hope that the subject is both beautiful and dark
Tragic Beauty

Tragic Beauty

A Poem by Qavah Simchah

Strong and unseen Woven between All I seeThese shining strings Will hinder wings SilentlyFatal and free All spiders weave SinuouslyTragic beauty Shift..
Autumn Forest Journey

Autumn Forest Journey

A Poem by Eric Cox

A walk through Meinig park in Autumn.


A Story by SomeTypeOfArtist

What is it about fall?