Men's Hairstyle and Christianity

Men's Hairstyle and Christianity

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

The poem challenges the religious belief that God doesn't approve of men with long hair.
On This Side of Heaven

On This Side of Heaven

A Poem by Melinda McQueen

On This Side of Heaven This ol’ world is vastly crumblin’ so, yet, still it supports the bounty of life. Seasons come, sea..
Staircase of Stars

Staircase of Stars

A Story by Kanesha Di

Told in the first person, a woman finds herself walking up a staircase of stars.
If I were an angel, I would have been Lucifer

If I were an angel, I would have been Lucifer

A Poem by Adelana Victor

This reflective prose poem delves into the philosophical and existential questions surrounding the story of Lucifer, the fallen angel.


A Poem by Jake M

The clock is taunting while it ticksPieces of my spirit fill the glassSaved for a soul to help completeIt runneth over as the hours passWhat deal do I..
The Birds Testify

The Birds Testify

A Poem by Melinda McQueen

The Birds Testify The sound of birds Fill the tall, leafy trees. Perched in wonderment, Singing their melodies. Attune..
Starry Host

Starry Host

A Poem by Kathy Van Kurin

Ponderings of life, of hope.
Fishing In Heaven

Fishing In Heaven

A Poem by Crystal Rena Nelson

My dad passed away little over a year ago and the things he loved more than his family is fishing and hunting and the Dallas Cowboys.

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