Itty Bitty Pye Da

Itty Bitty Pye Da

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

This is a special treat for my readers.
Mom Missing

Mom Missing

A Book by FanFicGoddess316

A Loving, Giving, Wife and Mother has mysteriously disappeared
A Surprising Homecoming.

A Surprising Homecoming.

A Chapter by FanFicGoddess316

Chapter 1: A Surprising Homecoming.Joshua Barker was riding his ten speed bicycle on the street on a clear blue sunny day in a town called Canton, Jos..
A Shocking Sighting at the Canton High School Football Game.

A Shocking Sighting at the Canton High School Foot..

A Chapter by FanFicGoddess316

Joshua is about to have the shock of his life when he sees his mom at the Canton High School Football Game.
My Sun

My Sun

A Poem by Grant

A poem dedicated to my son.
Hello Dexter

Hello Dexter

A Poem by Grant

Hello Dexter, my soul arrester, Blessed strength and patience tester.I am Dad, your guide and jester, Your biggest fan and prime investor.Now meet you..
Those were the days of where.

Those were the days of where.

A Story by Ken Simm.

Now is a window broken in a birth building. With rag curtains looking out onto a complex life. I read the world and thought about it. Remembe..
Only Sunshine

Only Sunshine

A Poem by Emilia Svejda

A heartbreaking song sang from father to daughter.
Father Up There

Father Up There

A Poem by Melinda McQueen

I wasn't going to post this but I obviously changed my mind!
Rowing the Boat

Rowing the Boat

A Poem by Grant

Poem inspired by a guy named Tony...
The Vader Conundrum

The Vader Conundrum

A Poem by JAParkins

A poem about fatherhood.
The Flag

The Flag

A Poem by Still Hidden

My father loved the flag which reached as high as the trees in our front yard. Then he was gone. My dad was gone.
A Good Father

A Good Father

A Poem by Poetsmight

This poem captures the final thoughts of a dying soldier in a war...
Hidden Allegory’s For The Consumed Mind

Hidden Allegory’s For The Consumed Mind

A Poem by skye

fleeting light flickers above, the dusty moonlight invades your thoughts. your fathers back porch, the dog barking silently�" a shadowe..
A Little Time

A Little Time

A Poem by Jeff Bresee

Daddy, spend some time with me,it’s all I really need.It doesn’t have to be that much,let’s go do simple things.Help me remember tim..

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