Tags : Stars

As The Stars Do

As The Stars Do

A Poem by Rose

She watched as twilightFaded into midnightgleaming with the eyes and souls of the universeand dancing with the knowledge that they would appear anothe..
One Bright Star

One Bright Star

A Poem by Katarina EIleen Nazpari

I sat at my bay window,eyes glazed,unexpectant and content,peering upon those midnight stars,all billions of miles away.I closed my eyes for a small m..
A Thank You to Her Heart

A Thank You to Her Heart

A Poem by Katarina EIleen Nazpari

As she dozed,I placed a feeble hand upon her heart.As her chest rippled upon my touch,I cried a mere "Thank you!" to her heart.I prove myself grateful..
The Boy Who Chases the Stars

The Boy Who Chases the Stars

A Story by peachmornings

When she sees the boy behind the counter staring at the skies through a window of their moving train, she discovers the vastness of the galaxies throu..
W. S. Rendra translations

W. S. Rendra translations

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

W. S. Rendra translationsWillibrordus Surendra Broto Rendra (1935-2009), better known as W. S. Rendra or simply Rendra, was an Indonesian dramatist an..


A Poem by Anonymous 79

Just something that came to mind the other day.
Dying star

Dying star

A Poem by CheekyChoco

This is about a son coming to terms with the death of his father, narrated through the lens of science fiction.
Her Name Was Amongst The Stars

Her Name Was Amongst The Stars

A Poem by IAmTweet

On a girl I used to know.


A Poem by Rookie12

Its a poem about how stars are so amazing and selfless but is that all or there is something they hide?
The Sun and the Moon

The Sun and the Moon

A Poem by L.J Bunn

A child's poem completing where the sun goes during nighttime, and how when the skies are dark we are never along.
Is Anybody Out There?

Is Anybody Out There?

A Poem by Willow B. Coldfeather

We sat on your rooftop,and gazed at the stars,we named the constellations,finding comfort in their presence.Now I know something else is out there,I s..
Floating Embers 🟧🟨🟩🟦🟪

Floating Embers 🟧🟨🟩㉣..

A Poem by Leigh

🟦🟦🟩🟩🟪🟪🟧🟩🟧🟨🟨 Fire lights the darkened sky Dimming the patte..
THE MUSE by Anna Akhmatova (English Translation)

THE MUSE by Anna Akhmatova (English Translation)

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

This is my English translation of a Russian epigram by Anna Akhmatova.
Siriusly Dewed

Siriusly Dewed

A Story by R J Fuller

Can we receive the message we want to hear or need to hear, or will we hear it at all?
Ad Astra

Ad Astra

A Poem by Laz K.

Partly inspired by the film of the same title.
Bad-Luck Bunny

Bad-Luck Bunny

A Poem by Moomin

Can we change our Luck?
In the stars

In the stars

A Poem by aether

"A sky littered with stars, a soul lost and far"
Desert Slumber

Desert Slumber

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Air swirls with cactus flower Floating upon the warm wind During the enchanting hour As consciousness starts to bend The vast expanse of the sky..
This Is The Life!

This Is The Life!

A Poem by Linda Marie Van Tassell

The sound of music is in my shell.