Tags : demon

Rage in Death

Rage in Death

A Book by Damac

Four kids attempt to survive as humans are infected with a rabies like pathogen, the dead rise from their graves, and demons arrive to possess the liv..
The Break

The Break

A Chapter by Damac

Zombies start to break into the house, forcing the kids to make their exit, with Andrew choosing a rather, unorthodox, tactic.


A Poem by Roger Morrison

I’m diving head first into hell Heaven grab me by the feet Running circles in a sphere Where light and darkness meet
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by LuisaAnabett

White gold lightning illuminated the sky, tearing it in two, followed by the roaring of the thunder. The heavens were angry, and many would think its ..
Deadly Promise

Deadly Promise

A Book by Shannie Pie

An angel gets captured by a demon. The demon wants to eat her heart to gain immortality. What will she do to survive?
I Need To Be Saved By You.

I Need To Be Saved By You.

A Book by Dark Angel ~

I was trying to think past my writers block for one of my short stories... but I got distracted and thought "I like angels" Then BAM! this happened. ^..


A Poem by metalhusky

Another dark look within my mind
Glimpse in Another Man's Reflection

Glimpse in Another Man's Reflection

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

I woke myself in another man's life. Reflection shown was I yet not I, A glimpse of my lone self strife. My timely age shows me to die.
The Stranger- Chapter 10

The Stranger- Chapter 10

A Chapter by Freakette

The next few days consisted of Kendell coming to the manor far too early, waking me up, and teaching me things from the book. I had considered killi..
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty

A Chapter by Rayne~Drop.

First days of school are always one of the bests. Or one of the worst if you're Bree. There's an unexpected teacher that she wants no parts with as an..