Tags : Motherhood

Such Tenderness, for the Mothers of Gaza

Such Tenderness, for the Mothers of Gaza

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Such Tendernessby Michael R. Burchfor the mothers of GazaThere was, in your touch, such tenderness -- asonly the dove on her mildest day has,when she ..
All My Children

All My Children

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

All My Childrenby Michael R. BurchIt is May now, gentle May,and the sun shines pleasantlyupon the blousy flowersof this backyard cemet'ry,upon my chil..
I Need a Hug

I Need a Hug

A Story by Wanda Vergara-Yates

I was a bratty child. My mother had the patience of a goddess. Read this and see what I mean...photo found in online clipart search.
Dawn: a Coronavirus poem

Dawn: a Coronavirus poem

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Dawnby Michael R. Burchfor Beth and Laura, and all good mothersBring your peculiar strengthto the strange nightmarish fray:wrap up your cherished ones..
I am me

I am me

A Poem by Gisel

Days are rough and lonesome Loud and fast paced Sitting around consumed by boredom A new life with which I am faced A beautiful daughter Happy..
Oh mommy!! I am still waiting

Oh mommy!! I am still waiting

A Poem by Zulfa1994

This poem is about the kid who is waiting for his mother by the shore. It talks about how he feels there waiting for his mother.
Love's Extreme Unction

Love's Extreme Unction

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Love's Extreme Unctionby Michael R. BurchLines composed during Jeremy's first high school football game (he played tuba) , while I watched his mother ..
Logan and I

Logan and I

A Poem by Winslow Des Totes

He may be my nephew and not my child but raising him has been my biggest challenge and my greatest honor.
Not About You

Not About You

A Story by America Faarozon

This is the product of a fight I was having online with a pro-lifer.
Does the Snow Fall in Heaven?

Does the Snow Fall in Heaven?

A Poem by Fransivan Writes

A letter (prose poem) of a mother to her dead child.
 While you’re away

While you’re away

A Poem by Monday Parker

I miss your sleepy face Walking down the hallway in the Early morning Your golden-brown hair tousled Rubbing the slumber from your ..


A Poem by Monday Parker

I felt you leave. Like in a dream where you are falling Only this was rising I knew the moment you left my body My ..
Août 9th - 24/03/22

Août 9th - 24/03/22

A Poem by Dom

OI didn't knowMorphineWould taste sweetI felt happyFor the first timeComparing the pads of my mother's thumbsTo the soles of my son's feetI understand..


A Poem by Petals & Pearls

She stayed up for countless nights Worried not about herself Wiping little noses clean Loving children back to health She spent many more nights..
Tangentially Related To Beth - 30/07/22

Tangentially Related To Beth - 30/07/22

A Poem by Dom

I’m back in town. She’s not around - clawed her way out. My 3rd or 4th time on this merry-go-round; tourist-trodden, prime for retirem..


A Poem by Iku Saari

A poem about the life of a working girl.
A letter from who knows

A letter from who knows

A Poem by Melon

This poem's about an adult man who is reminiscing about a woman who helped him find his way when he was little.
I See You

I See You

A Poem by Melissa M

A poem dedicated to parents, to let you know you are not alone.