Tags : Kill

Secrets Kill

Secrets Kill

A Book by Alexandria Brooklyn Rains

She is hiding... as human... in a school... in a city... Full of immortal creatures.
Can't Wash it Away

Can't Wash it Away

A Poem by Alexa Tasch

I really hate a lot of people right now
Black (Seventeen)

Black (Seventeen)

A Chapter by Amanda

The world has always been a dangerous place, filled with dangerous people. But the world's changed. But just how much has it differed?


A Story by XxTheFallenAngelxX

The Man that wore a trench coat
Set It On Fire

Set It On Fire

A Poem by Tomislav Petricevic

Dedicated to my dear school. *evil laugh*
Internship Part 3

Internship Part 3

A Poem by Crazy Cat Man

Part 3 of my Internship series :P
Prologue: Ana's Backstory

Prologue: Ana's Backstory

A Chapter by Olivia Knightmare

"Kill her" he says
Inside is Out

Inside is Out

A Poem by Olivia Knightmare

You cheated, and now you are dead
Kill Quill Drill

Kill Quill Drill

A Story by Pax Analog

Short parable.
What If?

What If?

A Poem by Alexa Tasch

What if we all had a choice?


A Chapter by Amanda J. S.

Midnight in North Romania"a small cabin in the woods. ”You are not supposed to be here,” Thomas sneered, gazing at her, his eyes br..


A Poem by Amanda J. S.

The way I see rage.


A Poem by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

Punk style lyrics I wrote for my punk band Circle Seven think Bad Brains meets Richard Hell
To Kill Your Best Friend

To Kill Your Best Friend

A Poem by Dramatics

Middle School Sucks
The Infection

The Infection

A Poem by Alexa Tasch

You guessed it!! A poem about zombies!!!


A Poem by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

Inspired by the teachings of Buddha
Part 13: Intake

Part 13: Intake

A Chapter by Daniel Gardner

Part 13 of the legacy poem series