Tags : longing



A Story by Grace Wolff

I would like to remember everything at once, so I can pick the memories from my mind and eat them. I wonder what it would taste like. The pleasant one..
Elevated Escape

Elevated Escape

A Poem by Brandy

** Love is . . reaching for you- beyond words, beyond the sky **
Quiet bruises

Quiet bruises

A Poem by Catherine

I chose the forest that lack of trees,So I can see the sky more clearly.I sip on freshly poured coffee that is always too hot-Burn myself badly so I h..
Distant Verses: Whispers of Stars and Sea

Distant Verses: Whispers of Stars and Sea

A Poem by lina

This poem captures the emotions of a traveler in a foreign land, standing beneath a vast sky of stars and before an endless sea. Filled with artistic ..
Per Sempre Tua

Per Sempre Tua

A Poem by Pravav Regmi

"A poem about longing, destiny, and the eternal bond between two souls lost in time."


A Poem by naomm

you silence the stirring of my soul you bring a stillness that i‘ve never known when i look at you i fall back into the truest form of mysel..
To have?

To have?

A Poem by Dave W.

Surely it will be better?
December Rainy Night

December Rainy Night

A Poem by Jeff Bresee

Starring out my window this December rainy night,all I can do is long for you again.Sometimes I feel I’m over you, like maybe I just mightmove o..


A Poem by Erica B.

When they find you, what will you do; stay or leave what you never knew...
more than it seems

more than it seems

A Chapter by midnight_moon

I glance at you from across the hall, and I just want to fall. How can you be so perfect and I know nothing about you at all, but your looks and your ..
soft touch

soft touch

A Poem by Brandy

the welcome of spring and sweet love

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