Tags : elements

Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Elizabeth Reed

It was another routine day at the orphanage. Being 16 there was little chance of me being adopted, so I did extra around the orphanage to earn my keep..
The Earthsome Beat

The Earthsome Beat

A Poem by Gilad Levanon

Partly inspired by "Born of darkness..." by Craig Froman, thank you Craig (http://www.writerscafe.org/writing/cfroman/613008/). Mostly inspired by Mot..
Xana I

Xana I

A Chapter by Liarose

Chapter two
Demetri I

Demetri I

A Chapter by Liarose

Chapter three


A Book by Adam Clay

The day before his chess finals, Michael mysterious enters an unfamiliar world, hearing that he is this strange world's prophesied savior.
Odd Stone

Odd Stone

A Chapter by Adam Clay

Michael wakes up in a strange world, clutching an odd gem. He has little time to think, as fierce warriors are hunting him. A black eyed, long haired..
Xana II

Xana II

A Chapter by Liarose

Chapter four


A Chapter by Liarose

Chapter five
Xana III

Xana III

A Chapter by Liarose

Chapter six
Xana IV

Xana IV

A Chapter by Liarose

Chapter seven
Xana V

Xana V

A Chapter by Liarose

Chapter eight
Demetri II

Demetri II

A Chapter by Liarose

Chapter nine
Xana VI

Xana VI

A Chapter by Liarose

Water Loses It!

Water Loses It!

A Story by Michael Stevens

Water is having a bad hair day!
Cold Hearted

Cold Hearted

A Book by Liarose

The Faery Queen has made allies with the Imps even after a war against them years ago. Xana and her coven join the rebel faeries where Xana is present..
Wings of Ice

Wings of Ice

A Story by Gabby Amaya

Annett had been content with life so far, that is, until she meet a strange couple. And now her views on life, reality, and her own self-worth are cha..
Wings of Ice

Wings of Ice

A Story by Gabby Amaya

*The next three chapters*