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The Yellow DaffodilA Story by Anthony GonzalezAs an eager young man tells his sister the story of the tragic day he asked for his past-lover's hand in marriage, he leads her across a courtyard to .. |
A dreaming secretA Poem by K.GA little poem for a book that im writeing |
Tears In SecretA Story by Tari FalassionWhat dwells within the secret passage? Who's that girl? |
World Loves WarA Poem by Cameron WinnWhat direction is our society heading? Towards authoritarianism or liberty? |
Seven + AppearA Chapter by AllisonAppear before your friends and show them that you care. |
Just SqueezeA Story by C.E.MurphyTwo men, two secrets |
Our secret gardenA Poem by KSKhouryRelating to others is a feeling of having experienced the same 'thing' |
An Unknown SecretA Poem by EmilySlowly, as time goes on I see,That this is the way things should be.And as this day goes on and on,The sun rises to a new dawn.I wish this time it was.. |
PreciousA Poem by AmeliOur hearts pulled by the allure,The taste of something new,We took from forbidden fruit,First you and then I.What should be wrong however,Seems to fee.. |
Jealous of YouA Poem by ~Dragon XPoem pretty loosely based on my own experiences.....You don't have to read it if you don't want to. o3o' Like really, it's just a venting of my emotio.. |
Secret SocietyA Poem by SocialSyntheticsyou figure it out |
Secret KeepsakeA Poem by LushanSecret Keeper of secrets. Rising behind the cloud, holding the night up, letting the words blow from your lips in sibi.. |
The Wizard TableA Story by SaraAn idea I had for the beginnings of a book. |
The JournalA Chapter by Brandy ParrishO'dell finds a journal of Elizabeth's, and returns a forgotten box to her. |