Tags : Gray

Son of Gray

Son of Gray

A Poem by ohsograceful

son of gray and all things holy


A Poem by Anna

Sick in the mind,sick in the heart.My body is fine now.I don't need this tea-it doesn't taste the same;children have better taste.The cup is warm,but ..


A Story by Eve6262

Now everything is gray, and I wonder if this will be their Goddess. The dark watches with beady eyes, asking the same question.
Primo Levi translation of the Holocaust poem "Buna"

Primo Levi translation of the Holocaust poem "Buna..

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Bunaby Primo Leviloose translation/interpretation byMichael R. BurchMangled feet, cursed earth,the long interminable line in the gray morningas Buna s..
The Crone

The Crone

A Poem by VJWild

a short poem about death
The Pity of Things

The Pity of Things

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Part of me says stay small, part go bigPart says eat your fill, part don’t pigKenko says: long life brings many shamesI say the gray sky brings ..
Pretty Girl Flying Above The Yellow Flowered Fields

Pretty Girl Flying Above The Yellow Flowered Field..

A Poem by Earl Schumacker

No pretty girl. No flying. No flowers. No yellow nothing.
Tease Mawray - The Good Time Man

Tease Mawray - The Good Time Man

A Story by Charles J. Carmody

Simple war story of two friends


A Poem by Dave W.


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