Tags : Esoteric

An Ode to Headless Chickens

An Ode to Headless Chickens

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

To act only in self-interest;Is to deny the miracle of existence.But we are chickens; headless,We are fools - directionless.We act as though confident..


A Chapter by Jonny The Savage

A man sits down at a typewriter, and pours his heart out; leaking every truth that he had ever come into contact with. A few days later, he ..


A Chapter by Jonny The Savage

More stream of (collective) unconscious - note, what is read cannot be unread
Who Are You?

Who Are You?

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

You can say a lot of things about me, but one thing that will never be disputable will be my honesty. You can mock me, you can felate me, bu..
I Don't Know Whether To Laugh or Cry

I Don't Know Whether To Laugh or Cry

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

If this piece doesn't describe you, there's no way it can bother you; and I clearly wasn't describing you. But if it does, it was written for you; in ..
Non Serviam Fallaciae

Non Serviam Fallaciae

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

The occult is one of the single most seductive subjects to ever exist; and if people knew what it was really about, I don't think they'd take it so li..
Just Leave My Vidya Alone

Just Leave My Vidya Alone

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

Am I going to have to find another dimension to live in, just to play vidya? I'm so sick of the terrible releases and retarded bullshit being spewed, ..
Amor Vincit Omnia; Veritas Vos Liberabit

Amor Vincit Omnia; Veritas Vos Liberabit

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

I do not believe anything. I have faith in what I consider to be God (or The All/The Most High/whatever silly name you'd like to give it), but I do no..
What You Put In Is What You Get

What You Put In Is What You Get

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

What people rarely seem to realize: you need to be worthy of the life you'd like to have. If you want to end up with someone special; you, yourself, n..
To The Bitter End

To The Bitter End

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

To examine which ideology holds the most power, at any given time: simply view what the go-to explanation for someone thinking for themselves is. In a..


A Poem by Jonny The Savage

I always find it so breathtakingly exhilarating, the nearly daily epiphanies that I have when studying what some would call esoterica. There's nothing..


A Poem by Jonny The Savage

There is an ancient tradition, that few know of; and even fewer understand. The aim of my art is to express it in a way not yet done. Does this requir..
A Question Regarding Reality

A Question Regarding Reality

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

I find it strange that the term "reality map" is not used more frequently when describing competing methods of explaining the same phenomenon. You als..


A Poem by Jonny The Savage

Without magic; there would be no science. Only foolish minds (the type that regards objectivity as a deity; instead of a practice) have forgotten this..
What I Believe

What I Believe

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

I always laugh when people tell me what I believe...I don't have a single belief, just a lot of theories, with various amounts of proof, and faith in ..
Merry Meet and Hell

Merry Meet and Hell

A Poem by RubSigz

Dark Prince

Dark Prince

A Poem by RubSigz

Dark Prince
Life is a Song of Creation

Life is a Song of Creation

A Poem by Micheal Teal

uplifting words of wisdom and light
I've Never Felt So Alone

I've Never Felt So Alone

A Poem by Jonny The Savage

One thing I know for sure: nothing is ever going to change until we change the way we look at ourselves and each other. We need to stop separating our..