Tags : Sea

Homeless Creatures

Homeless Creatures

A Poem by Arundass TP

Written in the year 2011, this poem is published in Alive magazine April 2011 issue page 57. A crab sanctuary turned Drive-in Beach


A Poem by Robert Ronnow

On one of the myriad baysalong the Maine coast. Keep the holocaustat bay I said to Dave becauseyou’ll spend all day gathering2,000 calories and ..
a Universe and me

a Universe and me

A Poem by Light

A poem about humans and their everything
A Week of Mornings in the World of the Islands. The First in the Wing Series.

A Week of Mornings in the World of the Islands. Th..

A Poem by Ken Simm.

Prior to returning once more to the islands.


A Poem by KingKat

Garbled noise - obsolete Yet, even more so - me The pages turn time, and the ink fades Away the world shies And there's a way I'll shine But..


A Story by Peter Rogerson

Two unhappy people meet in a pub...


A Poem by Ken Simm.

A poem of the islands.


A Story by Following_Child

A short story about a man and a Siren. I've always had a fear of the ocean, and this as well as the legend of the Siren inspired this piece. I hope yo..
A life like the sea!

A life like the sea!

A Story by Chandika Praneeth

Doesn't matter if they're good or bad, with strangers' stories, we can make our life stronger and beautiful. A life like the sea!


A Poem by Dream Reality

Practice haiku
Salt Water

Salt Water

A Story by SparksInTheNight

A young woman is drowning in the beauty of the ocean. It only gets worse from there. Until it doesn't.
Lonely Weekend

Lonely Weekend

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

This is a love poem.
Syl (the full English version)

Syl (the full English version)

A Story by Poet Pittinix

This is a short story about the adventures of a man.
The maiden and the sailor.

The maiden and the sailor.

A Poem by The_Ancient_Rock

A poem by Amy R.
Oh Sweet Misery.

Oh Sweet Misery.

A Poem by Anthony

“A reflection on enduring hardship and finding a somber companionship in misery through life’s constant challenges.”
Back To You

Back To You

A Story by Fictional Fabricator

A young woman meets a sailor and begin a romance until he's called back to duty. During their time apart, they bond thru a dream.

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