Tags : mental+health

Mastermind and The Pawn

Mastermind and The Pawn

A Poem by Temoal

To be in control or be controlled
Can't Leave Won't Leave

Can't Leave Won't Leave

A Poem by PatrickPink

I've realised recently that when I enjoy someone's company I really struggle to call it a night
Green Galaxies

Green Galaxies

A Poem by zeronineight

to all the lovely greens in my galaxy


A Poem by hildaarlette

Today the sun rose earlier than usual. My stare at the sunrise seems to linger. I see the beauty, elegance, and uniqueness in it. The sunrays k..
Dearly Beloved

Dearly Beloved

A Poem by Phoebe Taylor

A letter to you, from myself.
To a Dying Death

To a Dying Death

A Poem by Ejiro Favour

This poem romances the ideology of love lost and pain. The poem touches on the persona's depression and a career, talent, and love they had lost.
A Peek Into My Life

A Peek Into My Life

A Poem by Anaya

a slight pull of the curtians
Curious Humankind

Curious Humankind

A Poem by malena Beard

A poem about judgment towards those who take antidepressants


A Poem by Fraser Murray

One day at a time, and better every day.
Zen at the fairground

Zen at the fairground

A Poem by Firebird

The inside of my head is like a crazy fairground ride. Zen is the only cure.


A Poem by Firebird

My urge to write poems can often become overwhelming when my mental health declines.
The Heels

The Heels

A Poem by serenity14

Mental illness struggles.
Manic Kaleidoscope

Manic Kaleidoscope

A Poem by serenity14

My experience with bipolar mania


A Poem by Wallflower

Distance yourself, don’t give too much. Show only your blossoming petals. My rose has no thorns, I say - knowing fine well that you’v..


A Poem by Percy

a little poem based on my not-so-good home life and what it does to me as a person, hope you enjoy it


A Poem by L.E.Osborne

Being trapped in a room with my own thoughts.Replaying the scene in my head, what I should have done, what I should have said.Not quite meeting the ey..
Black Sands

Black Sands

A Poem by TheSolarShaman

He has viewed me as afeathered dune in the quiet desert.As if my body were to constantly pileand brush away in a romantic dance.This wild,yet gol..