Tags : mental+health

1 year or Little Hell

1 year or Little Hell

A Story by Lomsimms

Domestic abuse and marriage mental health,


A Poem by PatrickPink

Lockdown and WFH can be incredibly isolating. This is how I ground myself
The Empty To-Do List

The Empty To-Do List

A Poem by Ziggy Matthews

Based on the 300 word prompt book. Question One: What is your favorite way to spend a lazy day? I ponder my struggles with workaholism, a compulsion ..
Brandon, Did You Know?

Brandon, Did You Know?

A Poem by Ziggy Matthews

A vivid retelling of my experience as a minor being groomed and molested. May be triggering for readers. This is poem 2 out of my 300 poems project.
Dear Future Me

Dear Future Me

A Poem by Ziggy Matthews

This is poem 4 out of my 300 poem series. This is a letter to myself in the future, but it is more so a reflection on my obsession and self-hatred of ..
Recovery + Vulnerability = The Real Me

Recovery + Vulnerability = The Real Me

A Poem by Ziggy Matthews

8/300. This prompt was difficult because I had to involve math equations. I think it worked out. I explored my childhood walks to cope with my fading ..
The Silent Killer

The Silent Killer

A Poem by Valerie Green

A poem for those struggling with depression.
It is not forgiveness that is my cage.

It is not forgiveness that is my cage.

A Poem by Thinking Anonymously

These poems and words say "Forgive and you will be free" But what happens when You have forgiven And it's the fear and guilt that Eats and cages ..


A Poem by zeronineight

tw: mentions of wounds and bleeding
Neon Headlights

Neon Headlights

A Story by zeronineight

what were the neon headlights even for, to be honest?
Uprising to Greatness

Uprising to Greatness

A Poem by Rebecca_Rose

Self growth, learning from your mistakes, maturing, positive change.