Tags : scenery

Snowflake above, won't you judge me?

Snowflake above, won't you judge me?

A Poem by Stu. T.H.

How many times more must a mortal screw up before heaven's judgment is told to them?
Haiku: White-tipped mountains

Haiku: White-tipped mountains

A Poem by Stu. T.H.

Out of a stroke of inspiration.
Within the Old Woods

Within the Old Woods

A Poem by Stu. T.H.

Fantasy-genre, 4-line.
Seaside Night Market

Seaside Night Market

A Poem by Stu. T.H.

Salty, but this salt sells.
An Afternoon

An Afternoon

A Poem by mnicorata

Something I came up with sitting on my porch in the afternoon.
A Night Stroll

A Night Stroll

A Poem by mnicorata

I stroll down and two paths meet One divisive without uttering sounds To this I call upon the elder trees Dining on its sweet nectar Melti..
A Night to Sleep To

A Night to Sleep To

A Poem by mnicorata

A beautiful night with nothing on my mind but had a hard time sleeping.
Old Oak & Old Memories

Old Oak & Old Memories

A Poem by Twilight

The idea for this one emerged very spontaneously, as it sometimes does. Just imagined a rural scene, with an old oak and a wandering; yet happy travel..

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