Tags : kidnap

The Man

The Man

A Story by Bmchugh135

A bratty girl enjoys her first time at a carnival until she decides to ditch her family out of boredom. She doesn't realize the dangers that other peo..
An Eye for an Eye

An Eye for an Eye

A Story by Nessie_AJ

One man pays the price for committing a horrible crime, but at what end does one fully receive justice?
Bring Me To Life

Bring Me To Life

A Book by Salem Corey

A disappearance, a possession, and a love affair alters the life of one girl forever.
Bring Me To Life: Chapter 1

Bring Me To Life: Chapter 1

A Chapter by Salem Corey

A disappearance, a possession, and a love affair alters the life of one girl forever.


A Story by merbear22

A girl is caught in a loop in which she is forever a victim. And she's not the first.
The Silence That Surrounds

The Silence That Surrounds

A Book by VanityHeart

Sophia Stone was kidnapped for a debt. A debt she had no idea about until under the guard of her captors. Now living on limited time,she must figure o..
Chapter 1: The Green Mile

Chapter 1: The Green Mile

A Chapter by VanityHeart

“I can get you the money! I can get �"“ My voice falters temporarily in my panic as my feet are forced down one of the steps..
Chapter 2: The Driver with the Blue Eyes

Chapter 2: The Driver with the Blue Eyes

A Chapter by VanityHeart

Three Months PreviousSophia’s POV:The time was nearly 5:00PM. My father stared outside the window of the tallest high rise in London. He had..
Chapter 3: Awake

Chapter 3: Awake

A Chapter by VanityHeart

Sophia’s POV:The waves of darkness moved gently like a feather. My body swam, lofting back and forth into slow consciousness.The first thing I..
Rescuing Rapunzel

Rescuing Rapunzel

A Story by Katherine P. Haley

Twelve years ago, a young girl was taken from her parents and locked in a basement. Now, as her curiosity about the outside world has grown, she final..
The Red Door.

The Red Door.

A Poem by Usuallyconfused

A lot can happen behind the red door.


A Book by Mariah Jaimee Bawar

Sophia's beauty blossomed as a red rose in spring, it spread across her lean physique and into her soft heart. Troubled, her roommate, Bridget, search..


A Chapter by TheLonelyWriter

“Mistakes are a great educator when one is honest enough to admit them and willing to learn from them.” – Alexander Solzhenitsyn
The Value of Innocence

The Value of Innocence

A Book by Natalie Dunning

© Natalie Dunning 2014. Cover by me. Work in Progress. First draft.


A Poem by Angelia

I'll be writing more of this story, stay tuned.


A Story by Peter Rogerson

Now come off it - Santa's got to have the odd weakness...


A Story by Damilola

A young girl is distracted kidnapped in the mall while her mother is distracted by her Blackberry phone. For years, she is at the mercy of the kidnapp..