Tags : devil

Here's your cocaine

Here's your cocaine

A Poem by Muse

okay okay...4th review in....I've never touched drugs in my life! So if you can relate..so sorry. But impressed that I can write persuasively. Than..
I Met God

I Met God

A Poem by sHear

I met god earlierHe told me he was a big deal, but he didn't mean to boast"I'm the father, that's the son, and somewhere around here is the holy ghost..
I Hate You

I Hate You

A Poem by SoulCrusader (Yas)

I thought it was something nice Thought I had found paradise But when the veil was lifted from my eyes I found it to be all a big disgu..
How To Sharpen Your Horns

How To Sharpen Your Horns

A Poem by Benyoucef

In this crazy world we live in, we lost the devil in the crowd of criminals that we are
Sam, I am.

Sam, I am.

A Poem by Nathan1289

Will you enter into a game of risk? Win or Lose, the choice isn't always ours.


A Book by X_Emo_Princess_X

See Note for Reviewers for description. Devil May Cry FanFic
I'll Never Believe

I'll Never Believe

A Book by Persona

Jesus makes a deal with The Devil to find love. When he meets the sweet Miranda, he only has 7 days to make her love him. The best part? Of course she..
A Devil's deed

A Devil's deed

A Story by Asher Khan

A boy named Matt, who doesn't believe in the supernatural is dared to spend a night in a haunted mansion. Afraid of being thought of as a coward, he a..


A Poem by Geoffrey Savage

On the spot.
Night shift

Night shift

A Story by Worriedkatt

Short story I made while having problems sleeping. Hope you like, critique is very welcome.
Fallen Angel of the Morning Star

Fallen Angel of the Morning Star

A Poem by Lady Cardinal

I woke up one morning and brushed my hair out of my icy blue eyes.My heart started pounding when I remembered my dream.It was such a beautiful dream i..
She Read It In An Ad

She Read It In An Ad

A Chapter by Wendy Seames Garner

She spied the ad while she was leafing through the LA View on Thursday night. Deanna Sheldon, I know who you are and what you are doing. Please contac..
a nitemare of a devil !

a nitemare of a devil !

A Story by graynuss

today i went 2 the park 2 meet a freind , i saw nice cloud shape's like 1 lookd like a tee pot !! i thouht i was dreamin !! but then my freind calld m..
Ask Me At Dawn

Ask Me At Dawn

A Poem by Tyler Dean Allen

Crumble and give up softly.
The End Of Bliss

The End Of Bliss

A Poem by Tyler Dean Allen

Craters in our deepest fears and conversations
Surviving The Experience

Surviving The Experience

A Book by Ryan X

This is the story of how I came to realize that the world as we know it is coming to an end. A journey from out the darkness and into the light.