Train Ride

Train Ride

A Poem by Laz K.

On stooping, bent backs We all carry our wrapped up, Zipped up lives with a sigh. Heads nod in silent greeting, Curious eyes dart around, ..
Haikus - 12/6/2021

Haikus - 12/6/2021

A Poem by j.d. savanyu

Haikus written on a late autumn afternoon


A Story by clockcat

bedtime story about a train.
Beer, ice cream, and the ever-present now

Beer, ice cream, and the ever-present now

A Story by Dave Afshar

An open letter to the dude drinking beer and eating strawberry mochi ice cream on the train at 7:45 am
Trains of Life

Trains of Life

A Poem by JE Falcon

A comparison poem.

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