Tags : Remember

"Remember, Remember"

"Remember, Remember"

A Poem by Mr Dunne Poetry

...it is all I can do ;)


A Poem by Renderess Of Skies

The Goddess Of Fortune
I Remember

I Remember

A Poem by Ethale Captor

Love can be so cruel.


A Poem by JRC Talberg

I want to promise you everything.I want to promise you everything, but promises are more often broken then not.In this dark world, promises mean nothi..
Life :)

Life :)

A Poem by twinklestar

It's truth and based off of my father, well... the 2nd and 3rd line anyway :).
Cry for me

Cry for me

A Poem by twinklestar

For all loved one's that are gone... I'm sorry :(.
Once Upon a December

Once Upon a December

A Poem by Alex P.

Memories are hard to get rid of. They sneak up on you and cling tight, when all you want to do is let go.
Old You

Old You

A Poem by skiayly

Do you remember me?I know it's been awhile since we have been in the same room.But can you see me now. I still remember how you used to be before ..
I Truly Love You

I Truly Love You

A Poem by Quilled_Penman

A poem to remind us to say "I truly love you" before it's to late.


A Poem by Emily

We are not of this world. It poison us...
Others v.s. Memory

Others v.s. Memory

A Poem by Navara-Desen

When you lose one and people tell you they weren't alive. What do you do with only memories left inside?
Black Fingernails

Black Fingernails

A Poem by YouoweYoupay



A Chapter by Anna Lee

CHAPTER 3: STRAIT-JACKET 'Misery is a just a way of dying. It doesn't matter if you stop breathing or not. You just...die.' -Azalea-CONNORA girl w..
Being Me

Being Me

A Poem by John Kellogg

What can I do; What can I say?The colors of this earth are changing every day.To be an individual, to stand infinitely tall;Can I speak or utter anyth..
so shall i

so shall i

A Poem by Don BeeKeeper

age is weightless but time is heavy