Tags : Korea

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

A Chapter by thunderdiamond

I had decided Jen should meet everyone before I had to go and stay in the dorms again and possibly bring her with me. I also decided it was best to ha..
Chapter 18

Chapter 18

A Chapter by thunderdiamond

The next day I woke up with a substantial headache from the drinking. I looked over at Jen who was nowhere to be found. Where was she? What time was i..
Chapter 19

Chapter 19

A Chapter by thunderdiamond

The next few weeks were a little tricky. We were preparing for a comeback and a three-day long concert, and everything was ready to go, we were just h..
Chapter 20

Chapter 20

A Chapter by thunderdiamond

I woke up early the next day as I usually did. I always woke up just before Jen did, I usually lay in the bed with her cuddling before I absolutely ha..
Chapter 21

Chapter 21

A Chapter by thunderdiamond

For the next two weeks sailed by. I was working hard to prepare and Jen was working hard to prepare the Exo members for their English interview. They ..
Chapter 22

Chapter 22

A Chapter by thunderdiamond

We finished not too late but it wasn’t early either. It was a lot of boring waiting around and cueing lights but it got to be 10pm before I man..
Chapter 23

Chapter 23

A Chapter by thunderdiamond

The next three days of the shows raced by. It was Jens first time at a show like ours and she watched from the side of the stage just as excited as w..
Chapter 24

Chapter 24

A Chapter by thunderdiamond

We spent the day in the hotel near the beach. Mostly sleeping since we didn’t really sleep well on the drive here. When we did wake up we or..
North-most Korea

North-most Korea

A Poem by SyrupTrash

It's about the north-most Korea, the DPRK.
Still We Starved

Still We Starved

A Poem by finn_macca

A poem about Korea
My homeland

My homeland

A Poem by Nasake

This is a poem that I wrote for an English assignment on the book, "Every Falling Star" by Sungju Lee. He is a North Korean Defector who has written a..
The Creative World Of Casting Director Soonyoung Han

The Creative World Of Casting Director Soonyoung H..

A Story by starpower

Soonyoung Han- teaching others and giving back!
Exploring the DMZ

Exploring the DMZ

A Story by LizLadyNinja

I took a little trip to South Korea in 2014. I wrote this essay for a class shortly after returning.
Crazy Paving

Crazy Paving

A Story by Jerry Humphreys

A retired army officer who has taken up painting has disturbing dreams which take him back to a traumatic incident in the Korean War.

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