Tags : Judaism

Jacob's Blessing

Jacob's Blessing

A Story by Emanuel V

I walked into the hospital, into the ICU. It was unbelievable, I looked and looked again into his room. There he was, there was the story, it is not a..
A New Month on the Jewish Calendar

A New Month on the Jewish Calendar

A Story by Evyn Rubin

How I introduce Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, by a lay person
Broken Window

Broken Window

A Story by Micky

Do you ever listen to your dreams? I do not usually, but I did follow my dream that year, and ended up working in one of the most religious and volati..
Prayers for no Prayers

Prayers for no Prayers

A Poem by amy gavro

In response to the terrorist attack in New Zealand today, 3/15/2019, that target our Muslim brothers and sisters.
Everyone's going to Hell but me

Everyone's going to Hell but me

A Story by Olu Dumare

A short story about spiritual dichotomies
Germany - 19/08/20

Germany - 19/08/20

A Poem by Dom

I have no hide;raw and childlike;an infant with no skin onSavlon body, smearedthrough blood and sinew,antisepticonly tears and re-tears the tissueWeir..
Kedoshim, the Torah Portion

Kedoshim, the Torah Portion

A Story by Evyn Rubin

Gay Rights and Torah Too
Lilith in Kathmandu?

Lilith in Kathmandu?

A Story by JeffT

It's a good thing that marriages are not made in heaven, because God has made at least one notorious boo-boo (or so the devil is rumored to have lied)..
“My Messenger (Malachias)”

“My Messenger (Malachias)”

A Poem by Christopher James

{Original Poem Based on the Prophet Malachi}
The Chiseled Writ RueAlls of Jewty-Free Masonry Tablets of the Barstudded Bar Association

The Chiseled Writ RueAlls of Jewty-Free Masonry Ta..

A Book by TaffRaff

Wars of the Death Star Dart by David The Raver - Raider, InVader and Backdoor Impaler
Chapter One - A Bug (Bot Fly) Infects Moses

Chapter One - A Bug (Bot Fly) Infects Moses

A Chapter by TaffRaff

Buggery of the Bottom Fly
I Be I Who Am It:  The Ultimate It

I Be I Who Am It: The Ultimate It

A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

A philosophical & theoretical journey into the origin of Existence beyond the realm of Organized Religion ...
Eternity's Flawed Fatality of Surreal Reality

Eternity's Flawed Fatality of Surreal Reality

A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..

A philosophical piece of writing delving and theorizing the origin and ultimate end of all existence within Existence from a Free Thinking stance and ..