Tags : First

128 Lines of Life - The First 64 (Poem)

128 Lines of Life - The First 64 (Poem)

A Poem by Damien Davison

This is the first 16 stanzas of a 32 stanza poem processing life...
The Statue

The Statue

A Poem by Emily

My ponderings on the formation of Life and Identity.
First Circuit

First Circuit

A Chapter by AkihiroDaikichi

The first chapter
Erik's Begining

Erik's Begining

A Book by Erik_Wolfheart

Erik is the main character's "alter ego", what some doctors label as multiple personality disorder. Derick, the main character, is learning to live wi..
You Were The First

You Were The First

A Poem by Krista Weiss

This is a song I wrote a while ago about my last boyfriend. I hope you like it! The hidden message is: First true love
Chapter 1, The Proposal

Chapter 1, The Proposal

A Chapter by Naomi Bloom

The first chapter of "Expand Your Horizons."
Chapter 1, Big Catch

Chapter 1, Big Catch

A Chapter by Naomi Bloom

The first chapter in "Wilde Horses Couldn't Stop Me!"
Chapter 9, Stories to Tell

Chapter 9, Stories to Tell

A Chapter by Naomi Bloom

The ninth chapter of "Wilde Horses Couldn't Stop Me!"
Chapter 10, Evicted

Chapter 10, Evicted

A Chapter by Naomi Bloom

The tenth chapter of "Wilde Horses Couldn't Stop Me!"


A Poem by zainul

Jubilant Bangladeshi students rejoice for getting texts books free of cost on the first day of school on January 1, 2013.
The Barn and The Blues

The Barn and The Blues

A Story by Eden

Young adult love at its finest. I'm sure there is some issues with spacing and puncuation when I pasted this from my word file it didn't space right.
Farewell My Love

Farewell My Love

A Chapter by aisha-asa

Chapter 1
Dreaming of A Kiss

Dreaming of A Kiss

A Poem by H.M. May

A poem about you
Chapter One: Staring

Chapter One: Staring

A Chapter by April

The daily lives of Grey and Damian.
AIRLESS "Follow Me" (Chapter One)

AIRLESS "Follow Me" (Chapter One)

A Chapter by Christoph Poe

Chapter One: "Follow Me" The next four years drove me into a satisfiable madness. The dirty corners of a broken mirror framed me so well, but t..


A Story by WrittenStarts

A short beginning of a story I wrote a while back. Tell me if you like it! I might continue this story if it's considered good.
Transparent Plea

Transparent Plea

A Story by Navara-Desen

"I wish you dead, but yet still...i wish...i wish to be you."